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 Both Sides of the Story
Supplemental School Lessons that Encourage Critical Thinking and Challenge
Indoctrination Occurring in Many of Our Schools, Colleges and Universities

I Whiteness:
  Does being white make you racist?

Click Here To Find Out

II America and Racism: Is America an intolerant, sexist and racist country?

Click Here To Find Out

III Discrimination: Should we Discriminate in Favor of Blacks and Against Whites?

Click Here To Find Out


IV Climate Change: Is the earth heading for climate catastrophe ?

Click Here To Find Out


V Economics : Why Doesn't the Government Just Print More Money and Give it to Everyone?

Click Here to Find Out

VI Gender: Is Transgender Surgery the Solution to My Problems?

Click Here For Information

VII American Greatness: Is There Anything Good About America?

My children told me that they have just been learning bad things about America in school.  They asked me if I could include something good about America.  That is what this section is about.

Click Here to Find Out

VIII Sexism: Are American Men Prejudiced Against Women?

Click Here to Find Out

IX Israel
Is Israel an Oppressor Country?

Click Here to Find Out

X The Attack on America, From Within and Without

American principles such as freedom of speech are being attacked from within.  What is going on and what can we do about it?

Click Here to Find Out

XI Science

The best way to learn science is to discover it along with the scientists who did. 

Click here to join the adventure of discovery

XIII Mathematics

Click Here for Math Lessons

XIV Abortion:

Abortion Arguments For and Against

XV Drugs:

These candies all have marijuana in them.
See why these are poison in the form of candy

XVI Islam:


Who are the Jews?

Lisa Kudrow: Phoebe, from the hit TV show “Friends”, was raised Jewish and had her own Bat Mitzvah when she was younger. The actress has even spoken out about her past experiences with anti-Semitism. Rashida Jones: Jones is best known for her role in NBC’s “Parks and Recreation.” The actress if half African American and half Jewish by birth. She was raised as a Reform Jew and attended Hebrew school. Pink: Pink, also known as Alecia Beth Moore, is a singer, songwriter, and dancer with R&B and pop influence. With a Jewish mom, her religious aspect and commentary have been coming out in the wake of everything going on around the world, and she even wants her kids to learn about it.
Gwyneth Paltrow: The famous actress has won an Academy Award, Emmy,  and Golden Globe Award. With a Jewish father, Paltrow was raised celebrating both Jewish and Christian holidays. Daniel Radcliffe: Daniel Radcliffe is known as Harry in the famous Harry Potter series. Radcliffe’s mother, who was born in South Africa, is Jewish and his ancestors were all Jewish immigrants from Russia and Poland. Drake: Drake grew up in a Jewish area in Toronto, and even attended a Jewish day school there. The “In My Feelings” rapper who is currently touring all over the world identifies himself as Jewish in songs and interviews and even celebrated his Bar Mitzvah when he was younger.
Ivanka Trump:  She is a Jewish member of the first family of the United States with her father being the President, Donald Trump. Ivanka converted to Judaism before marrying Jewish husband, Jared Kushner. Jake Gyllenhaal: Jake is an American actor who is best known for his role in the movie “Brokeback Mountain.” Born to a Jewish family in New York City, he has a Jewish mother and considers himself Jewish.  My son says he was a villain in spiderman called Mysterio. Paula Abdul:  The famous American Idol judge and triple threat has completely Jewish roots. Her father is a Syrian Jew, and her mother is a Canadian Jew. Paula still identifies with her Jewish roots and is very proud of them.  I love two of her music videos in particular.
Straight up          Opposites Attract

She dances with a cartoon in Opposites Attract and it's worth watching just to see that.

Who are the Jews?

What happened to the great books that once were taught in our schools?  What books can our children read that they'll enjoy and that aren't woke? What books are there that can prevent schools from turning our children into radical leftists?

Book List

 Fun and Interesting Videos Recommended by My Children

Lesson List

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The lessons on this site are mostly suitable for children 10 years old and older.  I have included a list of web sites below some of which are suitable for much younger children.

Sites and Organizations
Fighting the Good Fight
Sites with Good Lessons

Army of Parents

Awake Americans

Campaign Life Coalition

Concerned Parents of Trans Ideology

Firmly Planted Family (Christian)

Independent Women's Forum

Moms For America

Moms For Liberty

No Left Turn in Education

Our Duty (Support group for parents whose children want to transition or have transitioned)

Pacific Justice Institute (legal help)

Parents Defending Education

Parent's Rights in Education

Parents Unite

Stand With Us


1776 Unites  , the Woodson Center The 1776 Unites curriculum offers authentic, inspiring stories from American history that show what is best in our national character and what our freedom makes possible even in the most difficult circumstances. 1776 Unites maintains a special focus on stories that celebrate black excellence, reject victimhood culture, and showcase African-Americans who have prospered by embracing America’s founding ideals.

Bozeman Science  (great extensive amount of science videos but are at an advanced level)

Brain Pop (not free)

Brave Books (This is for very young children.)

Brilliant  I think this is material is suitable for Junior High up to any age.  It is a learn by doing website.

Crosswired Science


Easy Peasy All in One Homeschool (Christian home school curriculum)

Foundation for Economic Education Stories

Free Black Thought seeks to represent the rich diversity of black thought beyond the relatively narrow spectrum of views promoted by mainstream outlets as defining “the black perspective.”

Free to Choose Network We offer no-cost, high-quality educational materials to educators: teachers, homeschoolers, parents, grandparents, scout troop leaders – to anyone interested in learning/teaching! Our entertaining & educational videos come with tons of additional resources – Teachers’ Guides, activities, quizzes, and much more! We also offer Current Events lessons – two each school day with vocabulary words and discussion questions.

Great Courses Plus

Heroes of Liberty

Hillsdale College K-12 Curriculum  The Hillsdale 1776 Curriculum is a complete collection of lesson plans for teaching American history, civics, and government to K-12 students.   The Hillsdale 1776 Curriculum is the product of Hillsdale College professors and some of the very best K-12 teachers, both past and present, derived from and created for real classrooms with real students taught by real teachers.

History For Kids

History Place

How it's Made

How the Earth Was Made    This is a fantastic and fascinating series.

IXL Science

K-12 Free Speech Curriculum, Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression

Khan Academy

Learn Bright (Comprehensive Lesson Plans To Nurture and Develop Growing Minds)

Little Patriots

Locke Foundation Videos (They are for adults but high schoolers can understand them)

Mia Academy

Mr. Clintberg's Studyphysics!

National Georgraphic Education


PBS Learning Media (Some great material here, on the other hand PBS is politically to the left)

Around the World (Prager Animations)

Prager U

Prager U's Kid Shows

Real Life Lore

Songs for Free Men and Women

NASA Space Place – NASA Science for Kids

Teach with movies

Teaching American History, The Ashbrook Center:  The most important work in America is teaching American history and government.  This work is essential to preserving what has always been distinctively good about America. American principles are found in the primary documents of our history.  We aim to understand those documents as their authors did.  This site is aimed to provide resources for teachers.

Techie Home School Mom

The Bill of Rights Institute The Bill of Rights Institute provides quality, primary-source based resources to civics educators for U.S. history, civics, and government teachers. All resources are free of charge.

The Kids Guide  Guides about many different topics.

The Kids Guide to Israel

The Mindful Mentor

The Physics Classroom

Thinking Tree Books, Funschooling.com


Watch Mr. Wizard

What so Proudly We Hail  The Great Hearts Institute:  Created by distinguished teacher-scholars Amy Kass and Leon Kass, the What So Proudly We Hail literary-based e-curriculum is a rich source of materials compiled to aid in the classroom instruction of American history, civics, social studies, and language arts. This collection of classic American stories, speeches, and songs is based on the Kasses’ critically acclaimed anthology of the same name. 

Wondrium (for an example free video see Why is Life Based on Carbon.  Wondrium costs money)



Many of the above links in the right column are to excellent educational web sites.  School computers have Newsguard on them which warns students that sites they disagree with are unreliable and full of misinformation.  For Newsguard, misinformation is information they don't want students to become aware of.  One of the outstanding websites above, that of PragerU is rated as misinformation by Newsguard and as a result school children can't view their content in schools.  Marissa Streit, CEO of PragerU talks about that in the video below.



The Southern Poverty Law Center is another  leftist censor group.  They defame and censor parents organizations that oppose leftist indoctrination of their children. 

One of the links in the right column above, is to Brave Books.  That is for younger children than the lessons on this website are for.  I have pasted an image below of some of their books.  You can click on the image to get to their web site and to order those books.


Kirk Cameron (the actor of Mike Seaver in Growing Pains) now all grown up, wrote a book called As You Grow that Brave Books published.

As you grow is about a tree growing from a seed into a massive tree that provides shelter and that has to struggle through trials along the way. The tree is guided by words of wisdom (some biblical) and the reader learns about love, joy, and gentleness.  Brave Books tried to arrange story hours in libraries where Kirk Kameron could come and read his book to children.  As of December 2022 all the libraries that Brave Books contacted, 50 of them, refused to allow Kirk to have a story hour.  One library worker explained "We are a very queer-friendly library. Our messaging does not align." Many of the same libraries that won't give Cameron a slot, however, are actively offering 'drag queen' story hours or similar programs for kids and young people, according to Cameron's book publisher and according to a review of the libraries' websites and current program listings." Trent Talbot, chief of Brave Books, told Fox News, "It is devastating to discover that many of our publicly funded libraries have now become indoctrination centers that refuse to allow biblical wisdom to be taught to our children."

Libraries indoctrinate children.  Schools indoctrinate children.  That is why it is so important to expose children and teens to different perspectives which is the purpose of the lessons in this web site.

Here is a video of Kirk Cameron reading his book to children outside of the main building of the New York Public Library in because he wasn't allowed to do so inside the library.  This reading was in April 2023.


I looked up the words "New York Public Library Drag" on google and saw this:

Drag Story Hour

Date and Time
Wednesday, April 5, 2023, 10:30 - 11:30 AM
End times are approximate. Events may end early or late.


Fully accessible to wheelchairs
For children, infants to age 18 months, ages 18 to 36 months, ages 3 to 5 years, ages 5 to 12 years, children
Event Details

Drag Story Hour is a storytelling program designed for children. A local drag artist will read picture books, sing songs, and lead other age-appropriate activities. Register in advance at the children's desk in person or by phone.