16.13 Gays and Islam

There is strange support of Gay people for Muslims.  It gets even stranger when they support Hamas.  The reason it is strange is that fundamentalist Muslims kill gays.  An Israeli satirical show Eretz Nehederet did a parody on gay support for Hamas which you can watch below.  The two fake gay people in the video start by saying "From the river to the sea Palestine will be free".  That is a slogan that is repeated often at demonstrations against Israel.  The modern state of Israel is between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean sea.  The slogan means that Israel should no longer exist.  However it sounds convincing.  Who isn't for freedom?  It makes it sound like Israel is taking away the freedom of the Palestinians and that should stop.  Gays are for freedom of the Palestinians so they say the chant also at demonstrations.  The video below was made after Muslims from Gaza invaded Israel, murdered entire communities and kidnapped over a hundred hostages including many children.  Muslim propagandists deny that they kidnapped people and there are gays and others on the left who believe them.  In the video a fake Hamas terrorist talks about throwing gays off of a roof.  That actually has happened.  You can see a picture of the a member of ISIS throwing a gay man off a roof below.

You can see a Palestinian Islamic scholar saying that Allah commanded that gays be thrown off the highest rooftop by clicking here.  One phrase in the video below is "very drip".  That means very fashionable or sexy.

Ami Horowitz questioned the gay community in San Francisco who they sided with more in the Middle East, Palestinians or Israelis.  Ami then went to the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) where the Palestinian Arabs are and asked them what they thought about gays, filmed them and put it into a documentary.  Then Ami went back to the gay people who supported Palestine in San Francisco and showed them his documentary and they changed their opinions.  Ami explains the reason gays are ignorant is because people are siloed.  He means that people are only exposed to information and misinformation from their side and not from the other side.  If you only read left wing newspapers and watch left wing TV and read leftwing media on the internet you won't know facts the left doesn't want you to know.  It's like being locked in a silo.

That doesn't explain why the left doesn't want gays to know about Islamic persecution of gays.  Leftists see themselves as fighters against oppression.  The left wants support from anti-conservative groups.  Many conservatives are Christian and Christians view gay relations as wrong and immoral and gay marriage as wrong and immoral.  Christian beliefs have been changing to be more accepting of gays but this is still a reason that most gays are left wing. 

 Many Muslims are interested in overthrowing the government of America and replacing it with an Islamic dictatorship.  Muslims have spoken out against American democracy and American freedom..  Many on the left are interested in replacing America's government with a Marxist dictatorship that they control.  Both Muslims and the Left want to overthrow the American government so they become allies of each other.  The left uses the Muslims and the Muslims use the left to help them achieve their goals.  The left doesn't want the gays to know about Muslim intolerance toward gays because that could create a split and drive gays to vote for conservatives. 

After the Hamas terrorist attack of October 7, 2023 many gays joined in marches with Muslims for a ceasefire and then become Muslims.  Muslims didn't want a ceasefire when Hamas was killing Israelis but they wanted one when Israel fought back.  Many gays are against the U.S. government and so identify with the majority of Muslims who are clearly against the U.S. government.

If one day the Muslims won and did overthrow the American government it would be over for the gays.  In Iran the communists and the Muslims united to overthrow the Shah.  Once he was gone that was it for the communists.

Ami Horowitz gives another reason why gays and the left ally themselves with Muslims in the video below.

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On October 7, 2023, terrorists from Gaza invaded Israel and killed entire communities except for a few people who managed to escape.  Israel retaliated and bombed terrorists in Gaza.  Bombing kills civilians as well.  Many people and leaders across the world say the bombing has to stop.  Should Israel stop?

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