10.24 The January 6 Insurrection that Wasn't

On January 6, a large number of Trump supporters who believed the election was stolen by the Democrats by fraud and election rigging, marched in protest into the Capitol building, the location of the U.S. Senate and Congress.


Democrats called the protest an armed insurrection.  The Cambridge dictionary defines insurrection as an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence.  A protest is not considered a crime but an insurrection is.  Tucker Carlson shows us that it was not an armed insurrection in the video below.


Many of those who protested the 2020 election have been been given severe sentences by Democrat judges and imprisoned under harsh conditions. 

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a congresswoman for the state of Georgia, spoke about the conditions in prison of the January 6 protesters in the video below.


The protest at the capitol building was mild compare to Black Lives Matter riots that summer but the rulings of judges could not be more different.  In New York  a judge ruled against police who were trying to prevent rioters from looting stores in the Bronx and the city had to pay each one of the protestors about $21,000. 

Here is a short video showing a riot in the Bronx by protestors who probably are mostly if not all Democrats.


That riot is a lot worse than what the January 6 protesters did.  The bad behavior of some Jan 6 protesters may have partly resulted by instigation by Antifa, a violent radical left wing anti-Trump group. 

David Horowitz, founder of the Freedom Center, talks about the lies of the Democrats about the Jan 6 protest in the video below. He mentions certification of electors.  In the United States the president does not get elected directly by the popular vote.  Each state has a number of electors equal to the sum of the number of senators and congressman the state has so it's roughly proportional to the population of the state.  Electors generally vote for who the majority of the state votes for.  The founders were worried about corruption altering the results of elections and hoped that by having an extra layer of electors they could prevent that.  If the electors were not confident in the results of the 2020 election they could have refused to certify those results.  There was a lot of evidence of voter fraud but the electors certified the election despite that.  That may be in part because electors can be fined if judges believe they didn't vote for the right person. 


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