9.29 Why The Two State Solution Will Solve Nothing: Part 1

During Israel's war with Hamas a lot of Western politicians suggested that the solution to the conflict was to create a Palestinian state.  Here is video of Senator Chuck Schumer saying that Prime Minister Netanyahu had lost his way and was not allowing a two state solution to the conflict.

Would creating a Palestinian state solve the conflict?  Does Netanyahu's determination to eradicate Hamas make him an obstacle to peace?  Senator Schumer said that "The Israeli people are being stifled, right now, by a governing vision that is stuck in the past".  Is that true?  The Israelis voted for Netanyahu, they voted for his governing vision and the overwhelming number of Israelis support his policies against Hamas.  You can hear Netanyahu saying this by clicking here.  The Israelis aren't stuck with policies they don't like, they agree with those polices.  Is Netanyahu's vision stuck in the past?  Should he ignore all past history that showed a two state solution was a bad idea and agree to it?  There is a saying that "Those who don't remember the past are doomed to repeat it."  A Palestinian state would most likely include Gaza, Judea and Samaria and the areas between them.  You can see an image of what it would probably look like in the map below.  The brown areas would be the Palestinian state and include, Judea, Samaria and Gaza.  This map is actually a map of the partition plan put forth for Israel by the United Nations in 1947.  The narrow blue area along the coast would have only been 9 miles wide.  It would have been very easy for the Arabs in the brown areas to destroy Israel in the tiny blue areas if that partiton plan had taken effect.  The Jews although they didn't like the plan accepted it but the Arabs rejected it and attacked Israel instead.  If that's what the Arabs did in 1948 why should we expect the partition plan to bring peace now?  Well according to Schumer remembering from the past and drawing conclusions from it is "being stuck in the past".  Now for some reason we should believe a two state solution will work.

If Schumer is right a two state solution might seem more humanitarian than Israel fighting Hamas and Palestinian civilians dying as a result.  Of course it's not fair if Israelis have to be uprooted from their homes to create this two state solution but thousands of Palestinian civilian lives might be spared.  On the other hand if Israel withdrew to the borders shown above it is likely the Arabs would kill all of them and more people would die with a two state solution than without one.  Senator Schumer and the Biden administration believe a two state solution would bring peace.  Robert Spencer, an expert on Islam and Middle East history, does not and gave the reasons why in  speech to high school students of the Young Americans Foundation.  The first part of that speech is below.  It starts at 6 min and 37 seconds into the video.


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